Alexander Boyko | Fighting corruption: Words Or Actions.


On the eve of the International Day against Corruption, I would like to talk about a person who, not only in his thoughts but also in his actions, opposes this negative but so widespread phenomenon of modern reality.

Alexander Boyko is an honest businessman who managed to build an e-commerce empire while protecting the interests of all participants in the economic trade process.

Today, Alexander Alekseevich is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of B2B-Center - the first electronic trading system for corporate customers. Before the emergence of the B2B-Center, such a business did not exist in Russia. Thus, the company has become a pioneer in electronic trading. However, at present, there are more than 700,000 Russian and foreign companies from various industries, and more than 1,000,000 transactions are made through that site annually.

Boyko and his team created a procedure where all trading processes (tenders, auctions, etc.) must be regulated and performed under specific rules. As a result, thanks to the B2B-Center system, business leaders can monitor the entire trading procedure in real-time. The system stores information about all operations taking place on the site. You can check the analytics and see the price formation process for similar transactions at any time. This gives the users additional advantages, and open electronic trading is becoming the most effective tool for creating a competitive economy and a civilized market. Furthermore, when the procurement process is transparent, there is no room for corruption. After the presentation of the B2B-Center at the IMF, the fund began to recommend the system for countries with high levels of corruption.

Also, one of the tasks of the B2B-Center system is to identify unscrupulous suppliers by checking potential bidders against the database. An electronic signature is also used for verification. Registration of dubious partners is an unacceptable luxury, and with the number of registration applications at 500,000, only half are registered. Partners spotted in incorrect behavior are excluded from the number of bidders. Their record and all details are stored in the database, but the record is marked accordingly so that re-registration is almost impossible.

In his activities, the Russian businessman Alexander Boyko has repeatedly tried to get the support of the state because the goal of his company is to combat corruption as the main obstacle to the formation of a democratic society in Russia. As a leader in the Internet technology industry and an expert in electronic trading, businessman Boyko has led the development of acquisition systems for government needs and large holdings for many years, and nowadays, he leads the implementation of the group's policy on interaction with public authorities (GR). The state, for its part, interacts with the B2B-Center system mainly through the establishment of various barriers and prohibitions. In particular, the Antimonopoly Office favors limiting the number of electronic trading platforms operating in public procurement and acquisition by state-owned companies. Thus, almost everyone wants to regulate the industry, including corporations and the government. However, the desire of businessmen to take responsibility and the usual "fair" competition does not allow the state to fully influence business because it is on what the self-regulation is built and has been successfully implemented in the electronic platforms industry. Thus, market players are united by a self-regulatory organization and are responsible for the industry's development. Furthermore, it seems possible to share your knowledge and skills with other companies operating in the Russian market. Thus, it creates a unified information environment. So far, the B2B-Center system has mainly large companies with purchases at the level of hundreds of thousands of dollars among their partners, but the site is ready to provide its product to small companies that already have customers but lack development opportunities. With such cooperation, questions about monopoly and unhealthy competition in electronic trading will cease to exist. Then, perhaps, the state will help develop electronic business with great interest.

B2B-Center is the main business of the Russian entrepreneur Alexander Boyko, to whom he devotes a significant part of his life. In this industry, the businessman is greatly helped and supported by his family, particularly his sons. Andrey Aleksandrovich Boyko is the commercial director of B2B-Center. He devotes all his work and free time to developing the industry in general and the family business in particular. He literally lives at work, which earns the respect of his father and co-workers.

However, creating the first electronic trading platform in Russia is not the only achievement of businessman Alexander Boyko. As a leader in the industry of Internet technologies in trade, Boyko is also vice president of the All-Russian Association of Privatized and Private Enterprises, a Director of the Avangard Association of Arbitration Managers, and an Executive Director of the Association for Assistance to the Development of the Competitive Procurement System. In general, during his long career, Boyko managed to prove himself in various fields.

Alexander was born and raised in the city of Tiraspol, Moldavian SSR. However, the future businessman came to Moscow, the capital of the then USSR, to get a higher education. He graduated from Moscow Forestry Institute, majoring in Forestry Engineering in 1986. Then, in 2003, he graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities, majoring in Economics. He further got his Ph.D. in Economics.

In the 80s, he worked in the USSR Ministry of Defense, in 1989 - in the 2nd Central Military Hospital named after V.I. P. V. Mandryka as an agronomist. Then, for 5 years (since 1990), he worked at "Ozelenie" PC as deputy director. Then, for two years (1995-1996), he managed investment events together with the Harvard Club and the Harvard School of Business. Then in 1996, he was elected as a Chairman of the Russian Union of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Arbitration Trustees.

In 2006-2008, he was in charge of the project to create a regulatory structure for technical regulation in the electric power industry of RAO UES of Russia. In 2003, he was a Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC IC “Energy Renovation Center” (operator of the B2B-Energo system).

Alexander Alekseevich has several awards: Order of Merit in the Field of Informatization from the UN Commission on Informatization; Diplomas of the winner of the E-Commerce and Trade-2004 Conference-Contest in the following categories: The Best Operator of an Electronic Trading Platform, The Best Electronic Trading System, The Best Integrated Solution for Building a Universal E-Commerce and Trade System, The Best Industrial Electronic Trading Platform. He also won the 2nd All-Russian Forum - Exhibition "Goszakaz-2006" in the category "The best electronic trading platform for organizing public procurement." Ten years ago, Boyko founded the “Leader of Procurement Activities" annual award. The jury of the contest includes 120 well-known managers. 

All this proves that Alexander Boyko is an honest businessman and the founder of a transparent business capable of resisting corruption and a significant figure in the Russian market in general and in the field of electronic trading platforms.


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