
The Story of American Fraudsters Against The Reputable Entrepreneur From Russia.

Alexander Alekseevich Boyko is a noble Russian businessman, a leader in Internet technologies. He managed to build an e-commerce empire, protecting the interests of all participants in the economic process of trade.   Boyko is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of B2B-Center - the first electronic trading system for corporate customers. With his team, he organized a regulated procurement procedure in trading. The B2B-Center system allows business leaders to monitor the entire trading process in real-time. It gives the participants additional advantages, and open electronic trading is becoming the most effective tool for creating a competitive economy and a civilized market. When the procurement process is transparent, there is no room for corruption. In his work, Boyko always acted responsibly, conscientiously, and followed the law. Therefore, the media called the entrepreneur an honest businessman. On the other hand, these same qualities and trust in business partne

The Great and the Terrible: How American Businessman Gary Flom Profited From The Decency of a Russian Entrepreneur

  Gary Flom, a well-known Russian-American businessman, and financial manager from New York, showed in the US media as a successful businessman and a genius in the automotive business. However, few people know that Flom acquired his positions and business reputation at the expense of the Russian entrepreneur AlexanderBoyko . On the territory of Russia in modern Russian information sources, the name of Gary Flom is used in combination with the words "thief", "swindler", "financial fraudster". The victim of his greed and betrayal was businessman, chairman of the Board of Directors of B2B-Center, leader of the Internet technologies industry in business, Alexander Boyko. In his work, Boyko always stood on the side of the law, strove for transparency of economic relations, for a clean business reputation. As a result, he began to be called an honest businessman in Russia. Since Boyko always plays a fair, open game and respects and trusts his partners, he never

Gary Flom and Veniamin Nilva acted together against the Russian businessman Alexander Boyko.

  Gary Flom, a well-known Russian-American businessman, and the financial manager was a genius in the automotive business in New York, where he resided. However, a few knew that Flom acquired his positions and business reputation at the expense of the Russian entrepreneur Alexander Boyko. In the Russian media, the name of Gary Flom is frequently used as "thief,""swindler,""financial fraudster." The victim of his greed and betrayal was businessman, chairman of the Board of Directors of B2B-Center, leader of the Internet technologies industry in business, Alexander Boyko . Boyko always respected the law, strove for transparency of economic relations, for a clean business reputation. As a result, he was called an honest businessman in Russia. Since Boyko always plays a fair, open game also, respects and trusts his partners, he never expected betrayal from his business partners. As a result, he was involved in a financial scam, where Gary Flom and Veniamin Nil

IT Technologies and COVID-19: Which Business is Not Afraid of The "Plague of The XXI Century."

  For almost two years now, our life has been going on in the conditions of the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The virus is conquering new territories with incredible speed and completely changes the usual rhythm of life.   Due to the mandatory limitation of social contacts, our whole life has shifted to a remote format. We can no longer live without the World Wide Web. Telemedicine, working remotely, meetings in the Zoom, distance learning in schools and universities, shopping, entertainment, and even sports have moved to the Internet. It is impossible to imagine how our life would have developed in a pandemic if not for high technologies that help society stay as much as possible in its familiar environment: work, study, communication, meet, and confront an unknown person. In such a problematic epidemiological situation, the role of the IT industry has dramatically increased. Moreover, an extended stay in self-isolation allowed people to understand how indispensabl

Alexander Boyko | Fighting corruption: Words Or Actions.

  On the eve of the International Day against Corruption, I would like to talk about a person who, not only in his thoughts but also in his actions, opposes this negative but so widespread phenomenon of modern reality. Alexander Boyko is an honest businessman who managed to build an e-commerce empire while protecting the interests of all participants in the economic trade process. Today, Alexander Alekseevich is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of B2B-Center - the first electronic trading system for corporate customers. Before the emergence of the B2B-Center, such a business did not exist in Russia. Thus, the company has become a pioneer in electronic trading. However, at present, there are more than 700,000 Russian and foreign companies from various industries, and more than 1,000,000 transactions are made through that site annually. Boyko and his team created a procedure where all trading processes (tenders, auctions, etc.) must be regulated and performed under specific r